ShutterBear presents: 

Featured Bears #4 & #5

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Name:  Steve

Email Address:

     Located:  Toronto, Canada
     Age:  34
     Height:  5'9"
     Weight: 270
     Hair:  Brown
     Eyes:  Hazel
     Marital Status:  playfully partnered
     Hobbies:  skiing, camping, working out for bulk.
Steve says:  I'm in a long term relationship, but I always like meeting new friends in Canada and the US.  I like'em strong and muscular, smart and funny.





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Name:  Jeff

Email Address:
     Located:  Upstate New York
     Age:  29
     Height:  6'
     Weight: 225
     Hair:  Brown
     Eyes:  Hazel
     Marital Status:  Happily Partnered with Rob.
     Hobbies:  Travel, Music (instrumental), racquet ball, computer geek.

Jeff says:  Jump to Bears 22/24>>




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Lynn S. Ludwig

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